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Frequently asked questions


Frequently asked questions




Can I just walk-in to see a doctor?

Unless you have a medical emergency, No. You must have an appointment to be seen by one of our clinicians. Please phone, or use the online submission form to request a booking.


Why do I have to wait for a phone call from a GP before I’ll be booked an appointment?

This is to ensure we are seeing our patients within the required time frames.  With our clinicians calling you back to assess your need for an appointment, they will be able to determine what time frame you need to be seen in, offer you a number of different channels for your convenience (in person, phone & video) and may be able to resolve your issue over the phone that same day.

By changing the way we deal with our phone calls has meant a dramatic reduction in wait times to see your doctor, added convenience to those who can’t always make it in to the clinic to see their doctor and has meant we are able to see patients in the right time frames based on their clinical need.  


Why do I have to wait so long on the phone to get through to someone?

Some days we have upwards of over 1000 calls.  Often mornings and lunch periods are particularly busy. 

We have recently changed the work flow of our phone system to try and streamline and improve wait times on the phones.

If you aren’t happy waiting on the phone, you can use the submission forms on our website to request a call-back, send inquires, or leave feedback.  

How can I get my repeat prescription?

If you are registered on our patient portal "The Doctors App" you can request your long term medication via the App.

Alternatively you can give us a call to request your prescriptions.

Please note we ask for 48 hours notice when requesting a repeat prescription.  Any scripts needing to be done urgently, will incur a higher fee. Standard repeat prescriptions for our registered patients incur a $26 fee, all urgent prescription requests incur a $35 fee

Can I enrol at The Doctors?

Yes. We are enrolling new patients at our Greenmeadows and Ahuriri clinics. Please click here to find out more about enrolling with us. 


How do I enrol?

You can apply to enrol with us by completing our online enrolment application form.

You are required to provide identification as part of the application process, this is a Ministry of Health requirement and without suitable ID, we are unable to enrol you.

You will be asked to upload one of the following during the application process: 

  • A NZ Birth Certificate + a photo identification e.g. drivers licence

  • A NZ Passport

  • An overseas Passport + copy of relevant Visa

More details about our enrolment process can be found here

For full details of enrolment you can go to:

What is The Doctors App?

​The Doctors App is our online patient portal for our registered patients.  The Doctors App is available as an app to download on your phone/ tablet or if you prefer, you can access it on your desktop. Our online portal allows you to:

  • View laboratory results

  • Request repeat prescriptions

  • Monitor your Health Goals

  • Book an appointment online 

How can I sign up to The Doctors App?

Download The Doctors App to your phone/ tablet or visit the desktop site

Create an account and enter the invite code GXNAPI 

To successfully create an account, the details you enter must match the details that we hold on our system for you. 

after hrs


Frequently asked questions




I need medical care after 9pm, what should I do?

If it’s an emergency you should call 111 as you normally would. If it’s not an emergency, call your general practice clinic and you will be directed to what services are available for you.

What’s changing for After Hours health care in Hastings?

If it’s an emergency, such as chest pain, you should call 111 for an ambulance.

Good news. You will now have access to a general practice after hours through until 9pm, seven days a week at the Hastings Health Centre. If you need health advice after 9pm you should call your general practice clinic and your call will be forwarded to a nurse. You can talk to a nurse on the phone or visit the nurse at City Medical in Napier. This is a FREE service. If you are talking to a nurse on the phone, and the nurse thinks you need medical care, but it’s not a life threatening condition, the nurse will have the ability to send a paramedic to your home to check on you. This will cost you $65. This is a Hawke’s Bay District Health Board subsidised service and the flat charge out rate of $65 will apply to everyone.

What’s changing for After Hours health care in Napier?

If it’s an emergency, such as chest pain, you should call 111 for an ambulance. Good news. Care will continue to be available from City Medical 24/7. The only change is after 9pm. After 9pm a nurse will be available to see you at City Medical 24/7 and if the nurse thinks you need further medical care, a paramedic can be called in to see you either at City Medical or at your own home. This will cost you $65. This is a Hawke’s Bay District Health Board subsidised service, which will have a flat charge out rate to everyone of $65.

If I get a paramedic to check on me, do I pay the paramedic?

No. You will be sent an invoice for $65.

Is this a health service cut for Napier?

No. This is a much better and cheaper way for you to be seen if you need medical care after hours. It also allows GPs to have some time off at night so they can refresh. The after hour’s roster for GPs in Napier is not sustainable and continuing it would lead to GP burn out and less GPs available to treat and care for you during the day. The after-hours call out to see a GP at City Medical was $120.


What if I can’t afford the paramedic call out but need medical care and it’s not an emergency?

There are a number of alternatives:

1. Call your general practice clinic and you will be put through to the nurse at City Medical who is available 24/7. The nurse will be able to offer you advice. The nurse will also be able to arrange an urgent doctor’s appointment for you for the next day, if it’s needed.

2. You could visit City Medical for a FREE nurse check 24/7.

3. You can call Healthline for a nurse assessment, which is available 24/7 on 0800 611 116.

If I’m a friend of St John Ambulance will this paramedic service be free?

No. This is not a St John Ambulance service, they will be providing the paramedics but it is not their service so the flat fee of $65 will apply to everyone who uses this service.

What other care is available?

Good news. A pharmacist will be available at both City Medical Napier and Hastings Health Centre until 9pm to offer advice and support

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