Immigration Medicals

The Doctors Napier Ltd is registered to provide NZ Immigration medicals.
These medicals (eMedicals) are completed online by our registered panel physicians, we have several available across our three centres, this may mean at times that you may have to travel between the centres.
Before you have your Medical with the Doctor, you must have a Pre-Medical at our Napier site – this is where you fill out the paperwork required to create a Health Case for you online.
You will be given a Health Case number (NZER number) at the completion of the Pre-Medical. Please note: You must bring your original Passport with you to all of your appointments.
It is preferable to do the Pre-Medical on a business day before your Medical, however arrangements can be made to conduct all of the appointments on the same day.
If all of your appointments are on the same day you will be required to pay a deposit fee to secure your appointments, at $100.00 per person. Confirmation of a bank transfer is required.
We have a cancellation policy, which requires that you give us at least three days (72 hours) notice of a change or cancellation of the appointments – failure to comply will result in the loss of your deposit.
If you are having all of your appointments on the same day, please note that this may take up to four hours/half a day for one person. If we are seeing a family, these appointments may be spread across the entire day.
If you do not speak English, an Interpreter is required for all of your appointments, and this must be arranged by you.
Please ensure that you have confirmed with Immigration New Zealand what is required of you. For example, whether you are required to do a Full General Medical or a Limited Medical, if a Chest X-Ray is required etc. before contacting us.
Please note that we are unable to advise you on what type of medical you need or what type of Visa you should be applying for.
Once your medical examination is completed, results typically take around 48 hours to come back. Once your results are back your panel physician will upload and submit results to Immigration Medical. If you provide an email address, you will receive email notification once your medical has been submitted.
Doctors Fee – Full General Medical $255 >12 years
Doctors Fee – Full General Medical $200 <12 years
Doctors Fee – Limited Medical (any age) $200 any age
X-Ray Fee (with Medical) $120
X-Ray Fee (without Medical) $180
Laboratory Fees Please check with the laboratory
Payment of fees are required prior to appointment.
Please note that fees need to be paid separately to each organisation.
Contact Us
Please refrain from phoning us for an appointment time if you have already submitted an online request.
Call us: 06 835 4696
Email us:
Submit an online request below: