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January Patient Newsletter


Kia Ora all and Happy New Year!

We hope you have all had a well deserved break and are ready to take on the New Year! Here's hoping we get a few Summer days in before Autumn rolls around.

Patient Satisfaction Survey

We are currently running an online Patient Satisfaction Survey to help us improve our business. Your opinion on our service is important to us and will help us to continue to improve our healthcare service to all our patients. All your responses remain anonymous and confidential. It will take up to 5 minutes to complete, depending on time involved providing additional comments.

If you would like to complete this 10 question survey please head to our website:

Urgent Care

As you may have heard we have brought back our Urgent Care service to our Napier Clinic. This service is for urgent care only and depending on the day can have extended wait times. We have a nurse and/or paramedic triaging our walk in patients to prioritise our care of patients in most need. This means you may not get seen in the order you arrive. Please be patient with our staff when using our Urgent Care service. They are doing their best and cannot control the number of people who come through the door on any given day.

Win your next GP Consult

Do you have an email address? Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved house lately?

Keeping all your information up to date is important to us. If you have made any recent changes to your contact details, please let us know at your earliest convenience.

Everyone who updates their details during the month of Feb will go in the drawer to win their next GP consult free. Competition winner will be drawn on 28 Feb.


Fees are expected at the end of a consultation and after any other service. Fees may vary due to the time taken and materials used. Non-Zealanders must meet the Ministry of Health Eligibility Criteria for funded treatment and be enrolled in the clinic.

Please pay your account at the time of consultation. Thank you for your understanding.

What's coming next month?

  • Manage My Health Competition

  • New Website Blog

  • Patient Satisfaction Survey Results

  • Smear Clinic Updates

  • Long term condition clinic changes

  • Staff and Personnel Updates

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