Did you know:
Globally we lose one man to suicide EVERY MINUTE of EVERY HOUR of EVERY DAY
Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men aged 15-34
Prostate cancer is the most common for men over 45
This is why our clinics across Napier, Greenmeadows & Ahuriri have decided to join the Order of the Mo and sign up as a team, imaginatively named In Mo Ways Than One, to raise funds for Movember.
Some of our nurses and doctors will be growing a Mo whilst some of our ladies will be walking/ running 60km during the month.
Head on over to our team's Mo Space by clicking the link https://movember.com/t/in-mo-ways-than-one?mc=1 to see how the team are getting involved and how you can donate to raise much needed funds for men's health.